Source code for

import collections
from glob import glob

import vi3o
from vi3o import mjpg
from vi3o import utils
from vi3o import compat

_VideoBlock = collections.namedtuple(
    "_VideoBlock", ["video", "timestamp_offset", "systime_offset"]

[docs] class VideoCat(object): """ Concatenates multiple video files into a single video object. The *videos* parameter is a list of videos to be concatenated. It can either be a list of filenames or a list of other *Video* objects. Typical usage: .. code-block:: python from vi3o import VideoCat for img in VideoCat(['part1.mkv', 'part2.mkv']): ... """ def __init__(self, videos, **kwargs): self._videos = [] self._length = 0 for values in videos: timestamp_offset, systime_offset = None, None try: vid, timestamp_offset, systime_offset = values except ValueError: vid = values if isinstance(vid, compat.basestring): vid = vi3o.Video(vid, **kwargs) if isinstance(vid, mjpg.Mjpg) and ( timestamp_offset is not None or systime_offset is not None ): # TODO: Provide an implementation for mjpg movies that has the same # behaviour w.r.t systime and timestamp as the Mkv implementation raise NotImplementedError() self._length += len(vid) self._videos.append(_VideoBlock(vid, timestamp_offset, systime_offset)) self._systimes = [] # type: List[float] for blk in self._videos: if blk.systime_offset is None: self._systimes.extend( else: self._systimes.extend( ( blk_frame[0] / 1.0e6 + blk.systime_offset for blk_frame in ) ) def __len__(self): return self._length def __iter__(self): frame_index = 0 for blk in self._videos: for frame in if blk.systime_offset is not None: frame.systime = frame.timestamp + blk.systime_offset if blk.timestamp_offset is not None: frame.timestamp += blk.timestamp_offset frame.index = frame_index frame_index += 1 yield frame def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): return utils.SlicedView(self, item, {"systimes": self._sliced_systimes}) if isinstance(item, int): # Support negative indices if item < 0: item += self._length # Quick exit for excessive ranges if not 0 <= item < self._length: raise IndexError # Keep track of the requested frame index frame_index = item # Find the correct block for blk in self._videos: length = len( # Break if the index lies in [previous_length, blk.cumulative_length) if item < length: break item -= length else: # Unreachable raise RuntimeError("Oups") # pragma: no cover # Collect the frame with the correct relative index frame =[item] # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable # Update the systime of the frame if blk.systime_offset is not None: frame.systime = ( frame.timestamp + blk.systime_offset # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable ) if blk.timestamp_offset is not None: frame.timestamp += blk.timestamp_offset frame.index = frame_index return frame raise TypeError @property def systimes(self): return self._systimes def _sliced_systimes(self, range_): return [self._systimes[i] for i in range_] @property def videos(self): """ Compatibility method """ return [ for blk in self._videos]
[docs] class VideoGlob(VideoCat): """ Subclass of :class:`VideoCat` that is initiated with a :py:func:`glob.glob` wildcard string instead of a list of videos. The wildcard is expanded into a list of filenames that is the sorted before concatenated. """ def __init__(self, pathname): videos = glob(pathname) videos.sort() VideoCat.__init__(self, videos)